Transformoni praninë tuaj online: Eksploroni strategjitë e marketingut dixhital me qëllim për të rritur performancën dhe zhvillimin e biznesit tuaj!
50+ Client Reviews
"Gjithçka që biznesi juaj ka nevojë për të rritur trafikun nga Facebook dhe Instagram. Shitjet e mia mujore u dyfishuan sapo ata implementuan strategjitë e tyre të marketingut për biznesin tim. Ndihem shumë i lumtur!"
Kur filloni një projekt me ne, menjëherë fokusohemi në atë që është e nevojshme në biznesin tuaj për të rritur shitjet.
Appear on google's local search engine when someone searches for your business niche.
Build a continued relationship with your customers so that they keep coming back to you.
Make more sales through offers, coupons, sales funnels, up-sells and down-sells.
Ne kemi një ekip ekspertësh të cilët janë të zotë në ndërtimin efektiv të faqeve të internetit, menaxhimin e rrjeteve sociale, fushatave marketing, videos & fotografisë si dhe krijimin e ofertave të shitjeve.
We analyse your current website and redesign it completely so that it starts ranking on google.
We optimize your website with high intent keywords, so that it appears on google's front page.
We build high converting sales funnels to increase your average check size with your offers.
Google My Business creation
Bing optimization
On-Page & Off-Page SEO
Monthly tasks - posts & blogs
and much more...
Ne ndjekim një qasje shumë shkencore në procesin tonë të mbledhjes së kërkesave dhe implementimit, i cili është i përshkruar më poshtë.
We conduct a 2 hours workshop with our clients in which we understand what's their AS-IS system, and what they want to achieve within the next 3-6 months.
Once we understand the requirements clearly we break them down to high level and granular level steps, and create our product backlog list.
We plan out the product backlog list of steps in Sprints, which could be from 2 to 4 weeks in length, and based on the sprints we start executing the project.
We have a 100% customer satisfaction rate.
“SEOKing is a company that walks the talk. They help us with SEO to get more local customers to our store.… They are one of our closest partners and they are always one step ahead in strategising a plan to get more sales online with organic traffic.
“SEOKing is a company that walks the talk. They help us with SEO to get more local customers to our store.… They are one of our closest partners and they are always one step ahead in strategising a plan to get more sales online with organic traffic.
“SEOKing is a company that walks the talk. They help us with SEO to get more local customers to our store.… They are one of our closest partners and they are always one step ahead in strategising a plan to get more sales online with organic traffic.
Schedule a 30 minutes complimentary call to discuss your business goals with one of our experts.
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123 Hidden Valley
Los Angeles, CA